Have a great testimony? Tell us your story!
Share your storyAudioVerse is a blessing! Thank God for your ministry! The various media options from audiobooks to video series is excellent. The growth, development and user friendliness of this app is amazing. I once made a suggestion and saw it incorporated in your many updates and upgrades. Bless this ministry as it grows and expands- sharing the good news of Jesus Christ!
I am so deep in the woods of Africa, but I'm super connected to the rest of the Adventist World because of AudioVerse! In fact, I owe my move out to the country to AudioVerse. The sermons and lectures convicted me to move out of the city. May God expand your territory!
You have been a big blessing to me for a long time! I first learned of your ministry in 2012, when I was living up in northern Maine. Traveling place to place in Northern Maine was always a long journey and there were plenty of opportunities to listen. I grew familiar with a variety of presenters that were a blessing and strengthened me. I had regular attendance at church, however, there is a precious gift in the individuality of each presenter as they share similar messages. The verity of testimony reaches people through the intrinsic value of each messenger. You are continuing to enhance your services with the variety of speakers you provide! I have to say, you outdid yourself by adding the dramatized Spirit of Prophecy! It's high time we wake up out of our sleep for our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. By beholding we become changed.
Thank you so much for ALL you are doing to keep us hearing God's word wherever we are. It's such a blessing to listen to so many and be enriched to share. I've especially appreciated the older sermons from Glenn Coon and WD Frazee, lately. 'Heart Murmurs' by the latter has been very helpful, especially at this time when it's easy to “see a reason” to not trust our church leadership. But when I do that, it's God I'm not trusting in. Praying for hearts of flesh in all of us. May God continue to bless your work until He comes!
This app has been a blessing to me since the first time I came across it. It has helped me desire to study the Word of God and share it with others.
Love your ministry! May Jesus keep you strong!
AudioVerse has greatly helped my walk with God!
I first heard of this app when watching 3ABN. What a blessing! I'll be sharing this app!
Thank you so much for the rich experience of this app!
To me, AudioVerse has become an important part of my day, as I listen to new sermons everyday, especially on the drive to work. I love listening about God's word and getting to know him and how we can incorporate his Word into the world everyday! I recommend this app to all of my friends and family and so far everyone loves it too!
When I searched for the answer to my question, AudioVerse showed up. I am a “look it up” kind of person and when someone quotes the Bible, I want book, chapter & verse. When I realized that AudioVerse was created by Seventh-day Adventists, my first words were, “Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!” I can now “come out of Babylon” and search this resource for information. Thank you!
We just want to thank you so much for the Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides!! We have shared them with many of our family and friends! May God bless your ministry for blessing so many!