Have a great testimony? Tell us your story!
Share your storyI just discovered this website the other day. What a blessing! I hope that you will be able to offer video soon, also. I will pass [AudioVerse] on to as many people as possible.
Just want to say thanks for AudioVerse! What a blessing you have been to me and my wife. I found you by accident and downloaded David Asscherick to my Palm. When I can't sleep during the night hours I am so blessed. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I VERY much appreciate this site. I know it is a lot of work and some expense to keep up. I am not a physician or dentist and thus would not be able to attend the AMEN conference. Now, thanks to your site I can benefit from these fascinating discussions and other good things. Thanks so much.
I am ___ years old, and I recently move to America from my homeland, Jamaica, about ____ months ago. I discovered your website through a loving brother at the Hispanic SDA church I have been attending since I’ve been here. I just want to let you know that your website has been a great blessing to me and to all who I have recommended it to. I hope that God will bless your ministry and grant success in all your endeavors according to his will. I plan to support your ministry financially. I just need to figure out how to do that. Thanks and may the Lord add all his richest blessing to you! Godspeed!
I thank God for finding your site. I daily listen to the sermons and time is too short to hear them all. Adventism as Adventism ought to be. Thank God for you!
I just discovered this website the other day. What a blessing! I hope that you will be able to offer video soon also. I will pass [this] on to as many people as possible.
Greetings in the blessed name of Jesus Christ! Your website is a greatest treasure. I discovered it on the Internet [in] January! I am so grateful. I live in _______, Kenya. During last year's University Retreat at ________, I heard Randy Skeete speak for the first time. I was so blessed! Actually, the sermon, "Who Made You?" turned my life around. The obvious thing to do was to conduct a hunt [for more] sermons by Randy Skeete. I am a lay preacher, actually a Law graduate, who has now fully dedicated his life to serve Jesus. May God bless you all.... I wish I could donate something. The greatest thing I can do is to pray for this powerful ministry. Amen.
Hello, I just happened to stumble across your site and I have found it to be a great blessing!
I take this opportunity to thank God, who used [you] to start this. I personally a[m] touched by hearing such voices of the lovely preachers like Randy Skeet and others. May the Lord continue using you to preach his word all over the world.... Thanks a lot. May [our] loving God continue blessing you while preaching his word! Pray for us in Rwanda and others as well.
Thank you for creating this wonderful ministry. It has already impacted my life and I look forward to many more visits to www.audioverse.org. May the good Lord give you heavenly wisdom as you select future sermons. Take care and God bless.
This looks great. Praise God... I love it...
Hello, I am blessed by your site. I would love to share many sermons with my friends. I pray God will continue to bless your ministry.